3 September 2013

Sims 3 - The Silversteens

Okay so the last post about my family in sims 3 I realised how out of proportion my flat was. So I decided to start all over again, no cheats, no major house or anything.
And it turned out quite well if I may say so myself!

My household started out with a couple, here is Nathan Silversteen working on his gardening skills to become an organic robotic breeder! He did actually suceed in this matter and is the main income of my household. 

Meet Nathan's wife Elanora Silversteen, which is becoming a master chef as it looks like. She loves to study all the cooking channels on TV, and can fix a meal together for the entire family in no time.
Elanora and Nathan started out having a kid together named Taylor, dunno why I don't have a picture of him, maybe because I dislike his wants/likes and moodsvings, but he is a simmer that usually wants to be alone, and quite like it that way. He is playing in a band and is mostly out of the house playing at Gigs and such.

Later Christian came into the family as the second child, he is studying to become something big inside the business career. He was always as young the favourite child and student that always got rewarded with the highest grades.

After having 2 boys and the odds of both Elanora and Nathan wanting another child I went for adoption to be sure to have a girl in the family aswell. Her name is Megan. She is very much of the creative type and thinker and her biggest wish is to become a famous writer, therefore she love to study homework and always working from home whenever possible.

Christian's Birthday party with a few of the family members to celebrate him.

Nathan and Megan love the outdoors so much they go fishing together whenever possible.

Megan is working on her writing skills to make her big wish come true.

Megan is making sure to look good when she is going out for a possible date, it is important to always look good! On top of that to be polite and know how to deal with a tough conversation.

Elanora is taking care of the garden while Nathan is out making the big bugs.

The family around the table for some late night dinner and homework, the kids grow so fast! Elanora is now old and grey, though still working to make it easier for the teenagers to focus on their studies.

Nathan finally reaching his live goal, what an outfit!

Christian hosting his first big party to find a potential girlfriend, will he suceed?

In the middle of the kids growing older and Nathan reaching his life goal, he is taken away by death to the other side. 

Even the begging didn't help the Silversteen household, who is now without a dad and husband. They are all in grief for these matters.
Thank god they still have their mum making some money, otherwise what is gonna happen to all the kids?